Thursday 2 August 2018

Certificate Course in Learner Centered Teaching

Duration- 6 days (2 three day sessions)
For whom-      Teachers of English
                                    Teachers of English medium subjects
The need
·         To provide teachers with knowledge and practice on learner centered teachingas it is a proven way of keeping learners engaged, and thereby ensuring effective learning.
·         To guide teachers to handle large classes with limited resources to suit the Sri Lankan context.
Course content
·         Introduction – Focus on the learner (Lecture)
·         Introduction to Different Learning Styles (Lecture)
·         Developing Learner Autonomy in the Classroom. (Lecture & Discussion)
·         Learning Strategies (Lecture)
·         Managing Learner Centered Classrooms -Student-Centered Teaching in Large Classes with Limited Resources (Reading/ Discussion/ Webinar)
·         Challenges of Large Classrooms
o   Managing the classroom
o   Using  pair and group work to encourage collaboration
o   Teaching with limited resources
o   Motivating students in heterogeneous classes

·         Grouping Schemes for Maximizing Language Learning